Sunday, September 25, 2005

Chapter 4: The Scope Plane (E. of U.E.)
Pros: If I'm following this correctly, the "scope plane" as defined by Garrett, helps me to set out the functions of the site that I want to utilize (kind of like picking the tools I have to use before I begin to craft). In addition, the "content requirements" seem to be all the fact gathering and background checking that I have been doing lately.

Applications of this chapter (The Scope Plane) in my site development thus far are as follows:
Function Requirements:
  • I will use Dreamweaver Software to produce my "instructional" site.
  • Students, teachers, and others will be able to navigate between essentially 4 areas: Background of site; Pioneer Quilting and Heritage; Quilts of the Underground Railroad; and a project development area.
  • As of right now, the site's intended audience are 5th grade students, however, I would like to see growth in the site in form of a more extensive teacher's version of all 4 sections (possibly as a mirrored site).
Content Requirements:
  • Extensive background on quilting patterns and their associations for each focus group, Pioneer and Slave, will be needed.
  • Photo graphs will be needed of each step in completion of blocks to be produced by students. (Both reproduction blocks and student's own "Journey" blocks.)
  • Step by step in photographs to begin with, later with development, inclusion of Java work could be included.
  • Clipart visuals of historical documents or portraits appropriate for the topic must be secured.
  • Compiled research links will also be included.

Cons: I read this chapter 3 times and each time found the language repetitive and hard to apply to my particular purposes! I guess my "stakeholders" are the ISBE (standards), school curriculum and adminstration, students and their parents as well as any other teachers that may use my site. Other than that, I really found this chapter hard to get into.

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