Monday, October 24, 2005

Conceptual Model:

Instructional Site:
My conceptual model for my instructional site is that of a "file folder". There are tabs for each of the main sections and within those "tabs" are the "papers" the students will need to either research or complete a project. Like a large file cabinet, all of the tabs are always visible so that you know where else you might need to look...HEY! This blogger is set up like this too! (I just noticed that...subconsciencely did I notice this before?) My inside pages are set up a little differently though. ;)

Professional Site:
I liked the idea of the site shown in class but really wanted to do circles (I'm a circle person). At the time, I have barely started into IT so my content is is the concept...for right now, the four square is working (that's one of the models we use to instruct students in it's comfortable for me). I think this will change once I know what my content will be.

To avoid Errors:

Instructional Site:
Having the tabs accessable all the time helps to cut down on errors. Users can go back and forth within different files easily and all of the Main Ideas are hotlinked so that they can be accessed.

Professional Site:
I'm keeping some elements of the home page of the professional site on each of the additional pages. Access is availabe between each of the additional pages and the home page. So far this seems ok..again, more content, this might change.

The Organizing Principle:

Instructional Site:
Using the File Folder model and tabs accessable at all times increases the likeliness that students will be able to move from Research to Application and back and forth between them easily. In addition, I have organized the site from left to right in "time", the way I want the users (students) to work through the site. I like the idea in chapter 7 about having someone "sight out" the page and indicate what information is being viewed. This might be a good idea to help those stuck with their organization for their site.

Professional Site:
The users of this site are very different from the users of my instructional site. Each user will have a different direction which they will want to go. Therefore, the concept of using boxes or circles will be effective because no matter which route the user chooses, they can all find "their" route the most important. The only thing that I have thought about in this design that is more definite is the idea of grouping the personal on one side and the professional on the other...the side bar is also another tool that helps draw the users to the areas that they need.

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